

Course Number 1243-3564-01
Course Name Managing Human Capital Assets
Academic Unit The Coller School of Management -
Organizational Behavior
Lecturer Prof. Peter BambergerContact
Contact Email:
Office Hours By appointmentBuilding: Recanati - Management , Room: 343
Mode of Instruction Lecture
Semester Units 1
Semester 2023/1
Date Range 11/02/2024 - 22/03/2024
Day Wed
Hours 15:45-18:30
Building Recanati - Management
Room 403
Studies are held during the second part of the semester, Course is taught in English
Syllabus Not Found

Short Course Description

The course seeks to present human resource management as a strategic issue no less significant than the management of any other organizational strategic asset. Day-to-day human resource quandaries are discussed in the context of mainstream economic, psychological and sociological theory. By the end of the course, students should have a good understanding of the contingencies that need to be considered in the design of human resource systems that are congruent with and supportive of particular business strategies.

Full Syllabus
Course Requirements


Students may be required to submit additional assignments
Full requirements as stated in full syllabus

PrerequisiteManaging People Micro (12312213) +Managing People - Macro (12312214) ORO. B. - Micro (12612213) +O.b. - Macro (12612214) OROrg Behavior Ma (12642212) +Org Behavior Mi (12642213)

The specific prerequisites of the course,
according to the study program, appears on the program page of the handbook

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