

Course Number 0512-4702-01
Course Name Wearable and Micro? System Technologies
Academic Unit The Iby and Aladar Fleischman Faculty of Engineering -
Electrical Engineering
Lecturer Prof. Yael HaneinContact
Contact Email:
Office Hours By appointmentBuilding: Wolfson - Electrical Eng.
Mode of Instruction Lecture
Credit Hours 3
Semester 2023/1
Day Wed
Hours 09:00-12:00
Building Wolfson - Mechanical Engineer
Room 120
Course is taught in English
Syllabus Not Found

Short Course Description

Wearable systems (such as smart watches, smart lenses, electronic skin) enable continuous monitoring of subjects and provide behavioral and physiological information that can be used for a huge variety of uses. Miniature systems allow sensing through various physical effects: electro-mechanical, electrophysiological, chemical, bio-impedance, optical and more. The course will focus on electromechanical transducers, thermometers, chemicals and bio-electronics and their use in acceleration, pressure, optical and biological applications, including micro-channels, pumps and valves for drug delivery. The course will also deal with methods of manufacturing and reviewing applications, with an emphasis on wearable systems. Production methods in miniature systems: printing, micro-fabrication including production principles in the field of micro-electromechanical systems: materials in miniaturization technologies, lithography methods, evaporation and etching methods (dry and chemical), fabrication of three-dimensional structures, and characterization of surface properties. As part of the course, students will design and implement a wearable system, collect data and analyze results from a freely behaving person.

Full Syllabus
Course Requirements

Final Exam

Students may be required to submit additional assignments
Full requirements as stated in full syllabus

PrerequisiteIntro. to Semic (05122507) ORQuantum and Solid State P (05122830)

The specific prerequisites of the course,
according to the study program, appears on the program page of the handbook

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