

Course Number 0455-3505-01
Course Name Brain Mapping and Neuroimaging
Academic Unit The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences -
Lecturer Prof. Yaniv AssafContact
Lecturer Prof. Tom SchonbergContact
Lecturer Dr. Daniel BarazanyContact
Contact Email:
Office Hours By appointmentBuilding: Sherman - Life Sciences , Room: 421
Contact Email:
Office Hours By appointmentBuilding: Sherman - Life Sciences , Room: 420
Contact Email:
Office Hours By appointmentBuilding: Green - Biotechnology , Room: MRI
Mode of Instruction Lecture
Credit Hours 3
Semester 2023/1
Day Sun
Hours 09:00-12:00
Building Sherman - Life Sciences
Room 002
Syllabus Not Found

Short Course Description

The course contains 3 parts: Description of brain mapping and its main imaging method: MRI. Knowledge of the field of functional mapping -
fMRI and anatomical mapping using VBM and DTI methods.
1. Basic concepts in magnetic resonance
2. Basic concepts in brain mapping
3. A description of the physiological / pathological / biochemical processes that MRI can demonstrate (including fMRI)
4. Understanding the brain mapping questions that MRI can answer

The course will be recorded via zoom.

Full syllabus is to be published
Course Requirements

Final Exam

Students may be required to submit additional assignments
Full requirements as stated in full syllabus

The specific prerequisites of the course,
according to the study program, appears on the program page of the handbook

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