

Course Number 0455-2812-01
Course Name Animals in Motion
Academic Unit The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences -
Lecturer Prof. Roi HolzmanContact
Lecturer Prof. Gal RibakContact
Contact Email:
Office Hours By appointmentBuilding: Sherman - Life Sciences , Room: 211
Contact Email:
Office Hours By appointmentBuilding: Sherman - Life Sciences , Room: 228
Mode of Instruction Lecture
Credit Hours 3
Semester 2023/2
Day Wed
Hours 10:00-12:00
Building Sherman - Life Sciences
Room 002
Syllabus Not Found

Short Course Description

Lecturers: Prof. Roi Holzman and Dr. Gal Ribak

Goal: The course will expose students to the adaptations of animals for locomotion in air, water and on land. The course will focus on the biomechanical principles that enable locomotion in different media and how they differ between animals

Time: 2nd semester, Wednesday, 10:00-12:00. The course includes 12 recorded lectures for home viewing (1.5 hours each) and 4 in-person class meetings. The class meeting will include experiments on which home exercises will be submitted.

Credit: 3 semester points

Grade: Final exam (60%) and four home work assignments (40%) that will be based on exercises in the class.

Schedule and topics:
Week 1 Introduction
Week 2 Mechanics of walking, running and jumping
Week 3 Gait, orientation and legless terrestrial locomotion
Week 4 Introduction to aquatic motion
Week 5 Swimming A
Week 6 Swimming B
Week 7 Low Reynolds swimming and walking on water
Week 8 Energy saving and diving physiology
Week 9 Moving from water to air
Week 10 Falling and gliding
Week 11 Vertebrate flight
Week 12 Insect flight

Full Syllabus
Course Requirements

Final Exam

Students may be required to submit additional assignments
Full requirements as stated in full syllabus

The specific prerequisites of the course,
according to the study program, appears on the program page of the handbook

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