Short Course Description
Topics: The course Introduces some of the main key tools and programs in bioinformatics. It Mainly aim to provide graduate students basic knowledge and practices in computational tools that can be utilized in computational data analysis. The course is given in English. The course covers the following topics:
1. General and genomic databases
2. BLAST and pairwise alignment
3. Multiple sequence alignment
4. Alignment errors and GUIDANCE
5. Phylogeny
6. Evolutionary rates
7. Genomic browsers
8. Next Generation Sequencing
9. Structural databases and visualization
10. Structural alignments, functions, pathways & enrichments
11. Motifs discovery
12. Basic utilities in data analysis
13. Computational considerations in NGS experiment design.
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in biology (molecular biology, evolution, genetics). Taking the course ?Introduction to bioinformatics? is an advantage
Grade: 20% home assignments, 80% final project.
Class works are given every week as part of the interactive recitation. In addition, 3-4 home assignments will be given throughout the semester. Submissions of both are mandatory, but only the latter will be considered in the final grade. The final project emulates a full pipeline of data analysis and as such covers all topics taught in the course.
Full syllabus will be available to registered students only