

Course Number 0321-1121-04
Course Name Computers for Physic (in English)
Academic Unit The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences -
Mode of Instruction Exercise
Credit Hours 2
Semester 2020/1
Day Thu
Hours 16:00-18:00
Building Dan David - Classrooms
Room 004
Course is taught in English
Syllabus Not Found

Short Course Description

Week 1: Introduction to programming and computing as a scientific tool

Part 1: Python

Week 1: Getting to know the Python Environment, simple commands

Week 2: Variables and Identifiers, Statements, List Basics

Week 3: Operators, Arithmetic and Precedence, Operators Relational, Logical and Membership, Conditionals

Week 4: Loops, Nested Loops, Functions, Modules

Week 5: List Manipulation, List slicing, List Slicing with Steps, List Exercises

Week 6: Strings, String Methods, Strings Practice, Multidimensional Lists, Dictionaries

Week 7: File I/O, Tuples, Formatting

Week 8: Namespaces and Scope of Variables, Recursion, Error Handling

Part 2: Matlab

Week 9: Quick Conversion from Python: The Matlab environment, Matlab Help, simple commands and calculations, variables, Vectors and Matrices, importing and exporting Data, array calculations

Week 10: Writing scripts in Matlab: Functions, logical arrays, decision branching, loops.

Plotting, graphics, fitting.

Part 3: Final project

Week 11-13: Will include independent learning of additional material

Part 4 : Final exam

Course Requirements:

Participation in online courses (30%), final project (30%), final exam (40%).

Full Syllabus
Course Requirements

Students may be required to submit additional assignments
Full requirements as stated in full syllabus

The specific prerequisites of the course,
according to the study program, appears on the program page of the handbook

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