Short Course Description
Is the world ready for digital information disruption? A disruption that can grow to become a full-scale cyber warfare? Can countries face a digital attack on national, public, security, and business information systems and critical infrastructure? Are countries prepared to prevent and contain a variety of cyber threats in a way that will allow for the continuation of proper conduct of life systems in the country? Can our new ?digital global village? survive a cyber warfare attack?
Over the past two decades, the cyber threat has taken on an entirely new dimension and is now attributed as one of the most critical threats in the world. It includes all types of information infrastructures, social networks, national information assets, financial industries and commerce, business and commercial entities, security information assets and any entity that holds various types of information, including the private individual who currently holds significant digital information for his personal needs.
Today, our world experiences daily cyber-attacks on many information infrastructures for various purposes which can and do significantly harm countries in every sector. In our growing digital world, the cyber threat will increase and its power presents a particularly significant challenge for understanding and addressing.
Course Objectives:
This course aims to emphasize the cyber-security issues, technological and international dilemmas, policy initiatives and emerging doctrines. The course offers special focus on assessment, preparations and readiness for cyber events before they happen, and mitigation procedures once they do.
The goals of this course are to provide students with the understanding of definitions and meanings of the cyber strategy, threat and risk perception and crisis management of a local or widespread cyber event. The course will include a table-top exercise for a cyber incident drill and encourage students to experience decision making and cyber leadership.
Full Syllabus